Crescunda 04

3 Merchant Taylors’ Prep School Newsletter - 07.02.2018 The Spring Term has started really well and we cannot believe how quickly it is flying by! Christmas seems like a very long time ago! This term we are pleased to welcome to Miss Bates as our new Teaching Assistant working with the boys in Year 1. Our ‘Space’ topic has caused great excitement in Year 1 and Year 2! The topic began with a chance to see a visiting Planetarium and this motivated the children to find out more. The photographs show a selection of the highlights from the topic including visiting the Planetarium, Moon and Sun art and fact finding activities. Years 1 and 2 also had a treat when Ollie Heath visited for some African drumming workshops. He will be visiting the Manor during Book Week and I am sure will inspire the boys there too. The topic for Nursery and Reception this term is ‘We Love Books!’ and Nursery have particularly enjoyed the story, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. The photographs show the boys enjoying their own bear hunt through our woods. All the boys love visiting the woods and this month we have wrapped up warm to enjoy the wintery sunshine and a range of exciting activities, as the photographs of Reception and Year 2 show. We always look and listen for the birds in our woods so I was delighted that the boys also took part at home in the RSPB Bird Watch at the end of January. News from the Pre-Prep Nursery imaginative play