
Nursery and Reception 

The education provided in Nursery and Reception is a very effective, practical and oral curriculum which is taught through a range of exciting and stimulating topics. We encourage the children to develop the following Learning Attitudes: concentration, communication and collaboration, independence, imagination, empathy, perseverance, curiosity and risk taking. The majority of this curriculum is delivered by the core Nursery and Reception team lead by form teachers: boys also receive dedicated Music, French and PE lessons delivered by specialist teachers from Merchant Taylors’ Prep. 

A ’Reading at Home’ programme begins in Reception and continues into Year 1 and beyond. 

You can download more detailed curriculum notes: 


Years 1 and 2 

The curriculum in Years 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1) is taught through topics. There is the opportunity to extend the topics that are studied to match the children's interests and excite their imagination. The priority remains to lay firm basic foundations and to establish good learning habits. The majority of the curriculum is delivered by form teachers: boys also receive Music, French and PE lessons delivered by specialists, as above. 

Homework is set on Seesaw, a third-party digital learning app. We set regular homework in English and Maths, and we occasionally send additional work with individual children where we feel that it would be helpful to reinforce a particular skill or concept.  

You can download more detailed curriculum notes: 

Years 3 and 4 

Boys in Years 3 and 4 begin our full 14 subject curriculum, which has depth, breadth and balance. English, Mathematics and Philosophy for Children are taught by the boys’ form teachers; the core Year 3 and 4 team also delivers Religious Studies and Wellbeing, and the Year 3 team delivers Geography. Other subjects are taught by specialist subject teachers. 

Boys receive English, Mathematics and one other subject as homework each week, set on Seesaw. They continue to read every night. 

The core academic subjects are examined annually in the Summer Term. 

You can download more detailed curriculum notes:  



Years 5-8 

Boys in Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 continue to study our full curriculum, taught exclusively by subject specialists. Some elements of the pastoral curriculum, such as Philosophy for Children and aspects of PSHEE including Citizenship, are delivered through their tutor groups, which are ‘vertical’ meaning they consist of a few boys from each of those year groups. 

Boys receive one academic homework a day. It is set on Microsoft Teams, which is part of the Office 365 suite to which they all have access. They continue to read every day. They are expected to engage in extra-curricular enrichment activities, both inside and outside school, for which they are accountable to their form tutors. 

The core academic subjects are examined annually in the Summer Term, and there are earlier formal assessments in English and Mathematics. 

You can download more detailed curriculum notes: